We can assist in moving your documentation records from IT Glue to Hudu using automation.
One of the issues that many of the businesses using ITGlue have come up against is the lack of ongoing development with IT Glue and the way in which they appear to treat their clients. For many years there was not a reasonable alternative as ITGlue as it stands has been and is still arguably the premier documentation management platform.
Most of their clients never really had an issue with their product, it was more that they knew how good it was and that they had no competition. Instead of continuing to improve upon the base product, development languished and basic features such as automated backups were ignored for years.
Below are a range of 100% human created articles for your viewing pleasure.Even though a scheduled backup was the number 1 request on the IT Glue site for years and as programmatically as simple as it would have been to achieve, it never happened.
To the point that a backup script created by the community was released to address this shortcoming.
While the community did their best, it is not a true backup. It backs up into a basic csv file & does not backup the work that can often culminate in thousands of hours of work. Things like associations between configurations, flexible assets, passwords and documents. The very features that make IT Glue so popular are not backed up.
Being bought out by Kaseya has not seemed to help the situation in actual fact it seems to have only gotten worse especially when predatory practices such as high pressure sales & automated roll over of long term contracts have been implemented, it is no wonder that there has been an increased demand for migration services out of IT Glue.
A couple of years ago, Hudu entered the market and while rough around the edges it provided a minimum set of features that MSPs could work with. It also has built features such as customizable dashboards which do not exist in IT Glue and their investment in development means over time their product should exceed the features and reliability of IT Glue at some point.
I understand that people are sick to death of Kaseya business practices however I have seen very little criticism of some of the issues with Hudu. I have always put a strong value on locations within ITGlue because the first question with many assets is always going to be “Where is it located”.
Hudu has had a feature request to sync locations from Connectwise Manage for well over 2 years now with no feedback except for that it is “in progress” This is a basic feature in ITGlue.
2 way sync to your PSA is not a feature in Hudu while this is just expected in ITGlue so the expectation of say modifying a contact in Hudu is not currently possible, this feature request is well over 3 years old now and is still in the planned state.
There are other annoying issues such as the O365 integration syncing every single contact including external users meaning Hudu gets flooded with contacts. This makes the integration all but unusable in my opinion. Then there is the Unifi integration which was planned years ago too although the community have created a script which will circumvent the need for an in app solution.
While their product development is better than ITGlue, it is still not great, communication is average and feature requests are set to planned and it appears never looked at again.
We provide a migration path from IT-Glue as either a standalone service or as part of a documentation migration project. Our recommendation is to use the migration as a tool to clean up your documentation, leaving the dead wood behind.
Below is a list of records that we can help migrate to Hudu
Records Migrated From IT Glue To Hudu |
Contacts |
Configurations |
Documents |
Domains |
Flexible Assets |
Locations |
Organizations |
Passwords |
It is important to note that IT Glue does not make migration an easy process and there is a lot of manual work required as well as the migrated records often are unpredictable in what arrives at the other side.
Things like image links in flexible assets or documents will likely be broken and the formatting can be horrifically messed up and this will need to be rectified. Because of the unpredictability we recommend running Hudu side by side with IT Glue for a month or so (continuing to use ITG as the production version) The migration will involve multiple test imports undertaken to establish how your specific information reacts to the importation process. This will often involve modifying information on the source side (ITG) and undertaking test imports or it could require exports/data modification/imports on the source side of the migration prior to exporting to Hudu.
There are a number of items below that will not import into Hudu in the artifact free way one would expect or at least hope. I have listed a number of areas where you can expect issues. My advice is to not always believe how rosy the outlook is with Hudu.
People migrating feel so violated by the treatment they received from Kaseya and when coupled with the fact Hudu is the only viable alternative, it often means that they are unwilling to voice some of the problems migrating from one to the other causes. It is important to remember that IT Glue has about a 10 year head start over Hudu in the maturity stakes.
Spend time coming up with a list of features that are a must have as well as develop a budget including lost time involved in training staff and the lead time required for getting to know a new
No matter what you do, the import/export/import/API process is not going to be perfect. ITG does not make it easy to walk your information out of the door to another provider.
Matching items will not be 100% perfect and there will be duplicates and odd results. It goes without saying that the more information and clients you have, the more time it will take to undertake the migration and the more disruption that will occur.
This is the kicker for many, especially those that have more than 500 clients and have widely implemented all of the associated items and tagging features that IT Glue offers. Unfortunately the scripting involved to retain the associated items and tagged information of your old flexible assets is at best hit and miss and at worst, requires manual application of these items.
Documents in IT Glue do not have API access meaning that we need to export them as html files. This can be done at scale however the formatting is not perfect and depending on the original formatting, sometimes it is easier to copy and paste versus importing after taking into account the time it takes to rectify the problems that come across during the import stage.
Any checklists created in IT Glue will need to be manually added into Hudu.
Below are a range of 100% human created articles for your viewing pleasure.Our team specializes in strategies for IT support solutions organizations and we assist in improving profit margins through standardization and consistent record keeping strategies, so you can be confident that our content is tailored to your needs.
Please feel free to explore our other articles and click on any that interest you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can help you with your documentation needs, please click the "Get In Touch" button to the left and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted source for technology documentation.