Documentation Maintenance Pricing Guidelines

This is a rough guide as no two MSPs are the same. Maintenance pricing is the cost to maintain the system that we have implemented.
We price the maintenance along similar lines to an MSP agreement. Once we have obtained signoff on the documentation remediation project then your organization has the option to engage us in maintaining any area where we have brought it up to an agreed upon standard. This is not open to any systems that have not been brought up to the required standard. Think of it along similar lines to how you would handle a client site that has devices well outside the warranty period where your organization has not had the opportunity to bring it up to the minimum standard.

These prices are guides. We attempt to keep these amounts as fair as possible for your business. If your internal staff are able to carry most of the load without guidance and we are not logging as many hours as what is expected, then we will adjust this amount to reflect. If your company has factors that increase the expected labor then we will need to review the amount upwards.

5 Staff
Per Calendar Month

  • Review New Documentation
  • Review New Passwords
  • Curate Duplicate Entries
  • Minor Diagram Adjustments
  • Rectify Integration Issues
  • Monthly Reviews
  • Sync Approvals
  • Staff Training

15 Staff
Per Calendar Month

  • Review New Documentation
  • Review New Passwords
  • Curate Duplicate Entries
  • Minor Diagram Adjustments
  • Rectify Integration Issues
  • Monthly Reviews
  • Sync Approvals
  • Staff Training

25 Staff
Per Calendar Month

  • Review New Documentation
  • Review New Passwords
  • Curate Duplicate Entries
  • Minor Diagram Adjustments
  • Rectify Integration Issues
  • Monthly Reviews
  • Sync Approvals
  • Staff Training

Contact Us

We guarantee that you will be speaking with consultant with extensive experience in the area of MSP Documentation. Using the chat will be the quickest way to obtain answers. Alternatively, you can email us using the button below.

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